It was designed following the example of the newly built Brussels University Medicine Faculty, held to be one of Europe’s finest. Since the financial capabilities of Lithuania were more modest, the Kaunas building turned out accordingly: it is simpler. The structure of the blocks highlight the functional zoning: the A. Mickevičius St. block was dedicated to administration and teaching; the connecting block contained the auditoriums; and the last block was for research activities, including those of an Anatomy Institute. In 1936 the cellar was adapted for the first Lithuanian crematorium. Between the years of 1944 and 1964 in the bricked niche of Spaustuvininkų St. carcass the coffins with “Lituanica” pilots Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas embalmed remains were stored in the chapel of the Medical Faculty, fearing desecration, and later reburied in Aukštieji Šančiai military cemetery. Year: 1931–1933. Style: Modernized classicism. Architect Vladimiras Dubeneckis.