2020-12-14 Back to list

Kaunas Restaurants Make it Easier to Enjoy Christmas at Home

We’re happy some of the nicest spots in Kaunas continue working and are offering Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year dinners for our homes.

As it was announced earlier, quarantine in Lithuania has been extended until January 31, with additional travel restrictions from December 16 until January 3. This means a lot of tiny Christmas and New Year bubbles all around the country – just to make sure as little contact as possible is taking place, which is inevitable in fighting the pandemics.

Cafes and restaurants have been offering delivery or takeaway since November; they are to remain closed for visitors until February. We’re happy some of the nicest spots in Kaunas continue working and are offering Christmas Eve, Christmas and New Year dinners for our homes. By ordering them, we can not only save a few precious hours in the day, but help our local businesses survive!

The traditional Christmas Eve, or Kūčios dinner in Lithuania, consists of 12 dishes – strictly no meat! Fish is very popular, especially herring, but tuna and salmon have made their way into Lithuanian kitchens over the past years. Kisielius, a cranberry drink, is also an all-time classics, as well as kūčiukai, tiny bakes with poppy seeds (and no dairy products).

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Photo by Čiop Čiop

So, if you’re spending the holidays in Kaunas, you can order both historical and modern versions of Kūčios dinner – as well as Christmas and New Year. Bernelių užeiga and Sala restaurant offer traditional menu, while Čiop Čiop, Monte Pacis, Numan, Daugirdas, Medžiotojų užeiga and uoksas are ready to cater for those looking for contemporary twists, and Senis ir Jūra is a great option for those crazy about seafood and fish. Diverso, meanwhile, offers Christmas duck, cake and lamb – everything else is left for your imagination. Nuogas and Rebels, two hip spots in downtownn Kaunas, offer a combo of classical and classy... Just contact the restaurants for detailed menus, safe delivery options and prices.

Photo by  Nicole Michalou / Pexels


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